The Highest Converting Long-Form Sales Page You've Ever Built

Tired of Having This Annoying Problem?

This Sub-Heading Has One Job: Make Your Visitor Want to Keep Reading!

This is a "Hybrid" long-form sales page where we combine the best qualities of classic long-form sales letters with some visual aspects that the most successful online sales pages make use of. At this stage of the page, we want to arouse the reader's curiosity, so they want to keep reading.

If you use the page well, there will be a lot of text and a lot of content. And that's a good thing: it gives you the opportunity to tell a story, connect with your reader and explain your offer in great detail.

But no one wants to read that much text! If that's something you're worried about with a sales page like this, keep in mind that the closer someone gets to making a purchase decision, the more likely they are to hunt for specific information. Your most valuable prospects are more likely to leave when there's not enough information than if there's too much

By the way: short paragraphs and highlight boxes like the one above are a great way to keep the text light and easy to read. Don't overwhelm your visitors with a "wall of text".

Use Sub-Headings Like this One Frequently. This Makes Your Page "Skim-Friendly".

Some of your visitors will be readers and others will be scanners. The readers will start at the top and read every. single. word. until they reach the end of the page (or until they can't wait any longer and decide to buy). The scanners, on the other hand, will skip about looking for things that catch their attention.

Keep in mind: the scanners want to be convinced just as much as the readers do, they are just looking for information in a different way.

What you're reading right now a text block consisting of a heading and a section of text. Break up all of your content into blocks like this to make everything easier to read, easier to understand and easier to navigate. You'll also notice that none of the paragraphs here are more than 4-5 lines high (on a large screen, anyway. Yes - this page is fully mobile responsive).